

County Bay
Like the glow of the golden sun seeping in
Slipping through the curtain's slits
Encompasses the rooms and boards
While the rays dance in rhythmic cords

One mind, one direction, one song
Victory for one is won for all
Come rain, sunshine or even autumn
Summer's sky is just as welcomed

My, oh my! what a clever county this is!
A free flow of complete synergy
Closing distances and bridging gaps
No one hurrying past wearing caps

Could this be real or a fairytale?
Is this haven really untouched then?
Not a smidgen to make it pale
Picture perfect in every way

I, Mercy came to take a peek
For the stories we hear must be remiss
Albeit, the shock to see the hills
Rolling valleys all through the rift

It's beyond the history written or claimed
It's above the gain they stand to earn
All that glitters to them is surely attained
This Beautiful Town of County Bay

© Ruth Daniel