

☝️Acknowledge Me☝️
Belong to the greatest dynasty,
Debuted as a brooding muscle,
People always booed adamantly,
I had to work hard and hustle,
Came with the architect and unhinged bud,
Emerged hounds of justice and we were in full flood,
Continued to rack up accomplishments and winning gold,
Though my life had different plans and shortly after, it did unfold,
Was suffering from leukemia and once again it returned,
The first time they showed me love, care and were also a lil bit concerned,
I promised myself that I'll come back better, stronger and faster,
I'll do whatever it takes to conquer this disaster,
Guess what, my comeback was bigger than my setback,
I became the king of bloodline and put my family on the right track,
I clashed at the castle, wrestled at the mania,
I slammed people at summer cuz I am the only bloody royal of the rumble,
The game, the dead man, the showstopper and dozen of legends praise my work,
I'm in a God mode now, and people pay just to see me smirk,
Have slain your superhero, beaten the beast and destroyed the demons,
I'm the undisputed champion for all seasons,
In addition, I got one wise man also in my corner,
As a special counsel for me, he keeps things easy and warmer,
Now it's no more just my yard or one versus all,
Now it's my Island of relevancy, and I've full control,
Indeed, From hated hero I became a loved villain,
Apparently, no one is on my level as I define competition.
© Depender