

Darker than Black
Darker than black is my journey into the abyss of life, where my feet never touch the ground.

Darker than black is the yearning to live,
yet fearing the embrace of death.

Darker than black is running out of my pills,
exposing me to the rawness of existence

Darker than black is running out of ink
an echo of emotions stranded with no release

Darker than black is the disorientation,
when hope shimmers like a mirage and my soul yearns for an end

Darker than black is pretending I don’t miss us
and letting your absence consume me

Darker than black is pointing fingers
when I know I’m to blame

Darker than black are my regrets,
my hollow promises at rock bottom

Darker than black is a world without you,
where light seems to have fled, leaving only shadows in its wake.

© inkedNivek