

“Keep Your Heartlight On!”
“Keep your heartlight on!
Let it shine wherever you go!
Make it bold and bright for any and all to see!
Give it your all with a pleasant and happy glow!”

“Keep your heartlight on!
Let your illumination be seen for miles and miles!
Give the aliens and the angels something to gossip about!
Go about your merry way and bring forth a million smiles!”

“Keep your heartlight on!
Trek through time and space with a rainbow under your sacred feet!
Do NOT allow anything or anyone to make you feel or become discouraged!
Support your cause and gain something from everyone you will meet!”

“Keep your heartlight on!
Never let any of the essence you created for others ever fade away!
For on the day you do, once it's gone it will forever go away and will not return.
Count your blessings, keep the faith and continue without ceasing to pray!”

“Keep your heartlight on!
Even in the middle of your most precious dream!
And do this without any question, comment, concern or doubt!
Do the damn thing through both calm and brutal extreme!”

“Keep your heartlight on!
I can tell you sooo much more, my poetic brother and sister!
But I will now end my flow right here!
And if you should ever get tired (and you will!)
Take a break from the rat race and begin again!
Know that you are NOT alone at ANYTIME!
Call me! Call somebody! Call anyone!
We are family close and we are ALWAYS near!”

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