

Fight For Us (Inspired By "See Me")
I looked past all those blaring lights...
Those blaring signs...
I felt my heart go weak...
My mind couldn't speak...
It's as if the mute button...
The mute button was pressed more...
More than once...
I needed her here with me...
And I could see her eyes shutting down..
Shutting down...
Like every organ in the body....
She was my somebody...
She was my whole heart....
And right now it just jerked past me....
All I saw were trains crashing....
Crashing into an unknown...
An unknown destiny....
Where my heart was soon losing....
Losing its heartbeat....
Losing the times I used to....
Used to kiss her....
Love her....
Right now....
Right now it feels like I lost her....
Lost myself in a collosion....
Of a lost rotation. .
I wanted her as much as she wanted me..
But right now I felt like I couldn't...
Felt like I couldn't breathe. ..
My mind was ordering toppings...
Toppings of "You're Loss"....
I felt like a bean bag toss....
Out of the air....
And in the middle of nowhere...
Lost in the skies...
I couldn't get my mind...
My mind off of the lodge. .
To the edge where I remembered....
Where I remembered I her wearing ..
Her wearing that dazzling dress...
I felt like a complete mess....
A hocus pocus...
Felt like my heart was taking drugs...
Or my life felt so fucked up....
That I was convinced.....
Locked in my own life....
Hoping that I will win...
Just looking at her pretty eyes...
I knew I couldn't lose control...
I knew this was a matter....
This was the matter between life...
Between life and death...
Between the sunrise and...
And the sunset...
Between the locked out ...
To the locked in...
In the Forest where we first kissed...
And where our love story...
Where our love story began ..
I couldn't see past those thoughts...
Of giving up...
I knew I couldn't give up....
Even when the stones got me...
Got me bruised up...
Ruised in...
I felt like my whole world was going..
Was going to...
Making my heart beat faster...
I just knew...
If I wanted to stay ...
I will stay and fight...
Fight til the end...
Because she is where I began...
Where our hearts have...
Have first danced....
I looked past the blaring lights....
I knew... I was going to ..
Fight... Fight For Us