

Poem Code Key - Farts=Worry, Anxiety,

Unpleasant gasses: if your dealing with farts, it is not as uncommon as most would assume, it is very natural for all human beans, Alot of times it can stem from traumatic events in life , childhood traumas , stress, pressure, hot air, What are you feeding your mind? Alot of times you can feed your mind gassy ingredients that cause you to suffer from farts, no one likes it when they have to be shown the true way of handling their own farts, some of us handle our own personal farts differently , YOU CAN NEVER TRUST A FART! , sometime focusing hard on a fart and holding it in only makes the fart bigger, louder and so strong , but when you let it go , you will feel better, THIS TOO SHALL PASS- farts sometimes have nasty smells, THIS TOO SHALL PASS, you should never bully someone because of their farts , feed them in a positive way, Learn to Release the Fart in a healthy fashion. AMEN

Mt. 6:27-28© lifegate21