If You Ask
If you were to ask what I dream of my love
Oh what incredible stories my mind could tell
All about magical things or what some call fairy tales
The details I could share could make me seem unwell.
I dream of ruling the people of ancient kingdoms
Of sitting beside my King upon our matching thrones
I dream of training the deadliest fire breathing dragons
High above the kingdom inside the caves they call home.
If you were to ask me what it is I wish for my sweet
It would be for things to go back to the way they once were
To retirn to,a previous lifetime, long since past us now
Oh what incredible stories my mind could tell
All about magical things or what some call fairy tales
The details I could share could make me seem unwell.
I dream of ruling the people of ancient kingdoms
Of sitting beside my King upon our matching thrones
I dream of training the deadliest fire breathing dragons
High above the kingdom inside the caves they call home.
If you were to ask me what it is I wish for my sweet
It would be for things to go back to the way they once were
To retirn to,a previous lifetime, long since past us now