

Why Racism Is Not Inborn

Oh racism thou art not born within
As ignorants claim whom intentionally sin
Thy roots need not run deep as our bones
Nor whisper within the halls of our homes

Thou art a seed a poisonous weed
Planted by prejudice and greed
It grows it spreads it twists and entwines
In the minds of humans who lack loving designs

The color of skin the shape of an eye
Are no more than nature's tapestry
Yet we have tinged and tangled this natural art
Into a knot that tears each of our heart’s apart

Racism is not inherited my friend
It is learned and it is taught to no good end
By the fears that fester and effects our lives
In those dark corners of our souls where it thrives

Oh let us not ever be fooled by hatefilled lies
That racism is some inborn demise
For it is we who must take up the fight
And tend to the garden of our own light

© Travis Allen King aka DTH