

I know lust.
Lust is that little demon on my left shoulder that says,
“Don’t think about it girl fuck him. It doesn’t matter if you don’t love him.
Lay on your back, spread your thighs and let him slide where only the man you’re supposed to spend the rest of your life with should reside.”

I know lust.
It’s the catching of my breath when you hit that spot at just the right depth.
So good that words can’t seem to form and no other sound will tumble from my lips.
Temporarily mute, mouth open in pure bliss

I know lust.
It’s the joining of bodies, skin on skin
The twisting and tangling of limbs as bodies contort to try new angles
Vertically, horizontally, diagonally, the ultimate tango in any respect

I know lust
It's that shaking in my legs when the pleasure is about to reach a crescendo
The trembling of the body as the inner nerves uncoil to reach a falsetto
The absolute still and quiet that overcomes you for that millisecond in time

I know lust
It's that thing that causes regret after the temporary satisfaction
The deep curling of in your stomach that has you wanting to be ashamed
A powerful drug that takes you to heights unknown, then leaves you in metaphorical gutters

I promise know lust
Lust is the beast that is often confused with love
The substitute emotion that gives us counterfeit pleasure
It's the enigma that will leave not only your body, but your mind fucked
So, yes...I know lust
Unfortunately, we used to be close personal friends