

Just be up and doing
Sure there is lots of trouble,
Sure there are heaps of cares,
Burdens that bend us double,
worries that come to were.
But we must keep pursing;
samething ,and see it through;
still to be up and doing
Is all that there is to do.

Though you would like to idle,
Wait for the world to right
Keep your hand on the bridle,
Fight when you have to fight.
Women are won by wooing,
Fortune is won the same,
And to be up and doing,
Is all there is to the game.

Few ever fail by trying,
Few ever win who wait.
All of your sitting sighing;
Never will conquer fate.
Whatever path you're hewing,
One thing is certain, son;
Either be up and doing,
or soon you'll be down and done.