

#The Ice Breaker
Hi y'all this is a ice breaker challenge imma do, so write a poem about yourself n put #MatchagrrrlsIceBreaker in your first line and put the same title as me :))

Welcome welcome,
Friends and all,
Lemme tell you a lil' something,
About me' self,

I have a mousy brown hair,
Like a horse's mare,
I sit around a corner,
Lurking about,
My head stuck in a book,
Always quiet and misunderstood,

"Look! There she is!
That little nerd,
I bet she scores,
More than us!"
I heard them say,
But I looked and my papers,
With my failing grades,
I ducked my head.

I love drawing,
Online and offline,
Even if it's teribbly,
Im tall,
Like a giraffe,
And my head's,
Always in the clouds,

I love Mac & Cheese,
From the can,
With drizzled cheese,

To sum it up,
I hope you join me,
In the icebreaker,
Let's go my friends!
Let me see your fingers,
On my screen

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