

Shattered Reflection

Weeks passed and then months,
A blur of tear-stained calendars.
Silently, I lost my mind when you left me,

Now, looking in mirrors, I see me differently,
A stranger, a being of loss and ashes.
I reshaped everything for your sake,
Now I despise the me that remains.

In loving you, I loved myself,
But that reflection shattered when you walked away.
Without you, I’m just a small puzzle piece,
Lost, unable to find my place.

Wasn’t time supposed to heal?
But yet here I am, still bound and broken,
I tried drowning with a bottle,
I burnt grass, to cloud my lungs.

But nothing seems to fill the emptiness you left,
I can still hear you calling my name,
(Is it just an echo in my head?)

This pain, my pain, is hard to put into words,
So this could be my final try,
I’ve left you countless texts, calls, and emails.

And the silence screams louder than your name.
© inkedNivek