

Money is Like A Woman
In the dance of relationship, like a coin's gleam,
A woman becomes the catalyst, it may seem.
A delicate art, the hunting nature she sparks in man,
Playing "hard," she leaves a lasting mark.

For the male hunter's instinct must be aroused,
Easy access numbs, it's where respect might thin.
Her value shines when the chase is activated,
To conjure respect, in lust or love, not to be effaced.

Money, too, dances in this rhythmic play,
Not earned, lacks respect, may vanish away.
The hunt for wealth is not a simple quest,
Manage and grow, let it be your best friend.

In the dance of life, relationships hold,
Money and women, both treasures untold.
Manage them wisely, let them both thrive,
Or, like fleeting shadows, they may take a dive.
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