

Forced Goodbye
When he told me that we should break up,I took it as one of his jokes,
Our love was still too young for us to leave each other,
it was a serious joke I must say,
days and weeks passed without hearing a word from him,
so i decided to text him myself just to check up on him and know if he was doing okay,
just to get a reply that just let it go,you deserve better,
I tried to make him explain to me why he had made such a decision too soon,
we were still taking our baby steps and I was never in a rush because I knew our love was to last,
I tried to convince him that it would work out between us but he still decided that we should part ways.

I texted him after a week to see if he had changed his mind about us but no,
I cried myself to sleep for weeks,
waking up with swollen eyes,
I did not know how to start forgeting him,
it was so hard for me,I couldn't have taken it,
in other people's eyes I looked okay but I was dying inside,
Everytime my phone popped I just wished that it was a text from him only to find other notifications,
just a thought of him made me so weak,
I completely lost myself that i could not focus on anything,not even my studies

Forgetting him was a real struggle for me,
I couldn't believe that I'd never talk to him again,see him again or have anything to do with him ever again,
I had to convince my mind and my heart to just let go,
that is where my healing process began,
I started picking up myself back again,
forcing myself to forget that was ever us and just move on,
it was not that easy,but I had to for my own peace of mind,it was a bad chapter in my life that really taught me alot,
you can never force someone to stay in your life
© Twinkle