don't speak public your things before you speak it in privacy like a mirror in the wall
most of people they like to speak with they're things in public like a announcement of da menu,event's before you first practice in privacy like mirror in the wall ' because the enemy always ambush us like that if you always speak like radio station before you plan it like a producer gues what you are inviting the enemy vulture vandals to poison,delay ,block your things before 'because you never be ready for that in privacy like mirror in the wall 'do you knows that is very powerful to practice as practically in privacy mo than in public like announcement because you get understanding;knowledge,wisdom of natural atmosphere lesson 'let me tell a pastor will understanding what i am trying to say ' a entrepreneurial,public speak or motivate,comedian,presenters will understanding because its they're daily bread ingredients 'a Yotube guy,lady will know this song as...