

don't give me hope
don't give me hope
cause i'd start to consider it
don't give me a glance
cause i'd search for more
don't give me a hello
cause i didn't want to come back
don't give me a reason
cause i'd lie myself out of it
don't give me a solution
cause i'd be willing to try it
don't give me the sky
cause i'd go and reach for it
don't give me your hand
cause i'd actually hold it
and never let go

i'd memorize the lines on your palms
i'd identify your fingerprints
i'd cherish the tenderness of your grip
and never let go

never feel pain again
never die inside
never have to comfort myself to sleep all alone because i was the only one i really had for so long that i forgot how it felt like to go to sleep with warmth in my heart for there was someone for me to love, hug and hold, someone who made me want to continue living...

but that was the initial goal of this all, right?
... you were there to save me, right?
... you weren't there to break me, right?
... you aren't here to repeat it now,

© searinia's