

After suicide.....
After we end ourself...
We think that we get rid of our problems..
But we don't understand a simple logic...
We give problems to all..
Parents will lost their children who have to protect them with love in their old age...
Spouse will lost their life partner who promised for being till end...
Children will lost their parent who have to make them grow up...
After ending ourself... We will give chance to society to raise voice on our character...
It doesn't hurts us as we end ourself.. It hurts our loved ones...
No one says that we gone through so much pain & suicided...
Everyone says we were timid that we can't overcome our pain...
Is it necessary to give pain to someone else...?
Ending ourself means giving pain to our loved ones... Our existence makes someone happy...
If we can't be happy then let other's be happy by us...