

Eternal blooms... echoes of memories

In a garden where time softly weaves,
Memories bloom beneath rustling leaves.
Each petal a moment, tender and true,
Stories of yesterdays bathed in the dew.

Roses of childhood, bright and fair,
Whisper of laughter that danced in the air.
Lilies of sorrow, their fragrance a sigh,
Echoes of tears from days gone by.

Vines of remembrance climb every tree,
Weaving a tapestry of what used to be.
Beneath the shade of the ancient oak,
Dreams of the past in silence evoke.

Sunlight filters through canopies old,
Casting a glow on tales retold.
Footsteps of loved ones, gentle and kind,
Leave imprints of joy that never unwind.

In this hallowed garden, memories reside,
A sanctuary where time does not divide.
Each bloom a testament, each leaf a song,
A place where the heart feels forever strong.

Here in the stillness, moments converge,
In a timeless embrace, memories surge.
For in this garden, eternal and vast,
The soul finds peace in the echoes of the past...!!!
© dil ki kalam se.. "paalu"