

Joyful Juncos.
Joyful juncos, hopping from tree to tree,
Tiny birds with feathers as dark as ebony,
Their cheerful chatter fills the air,
A symphony of music, beyond compare.

With nimble feet, they dance on the ground,
Pecking at seeds that they have found,
Their wings flutter as they take flight,
A fleeting moment, a joyful sight.

In winter's grip, they brave the cold,
Their spirits high, their hearts so bold,
Their bright eyes sparkle, with a glint of glee,
As they flit and fly, wild and free.

Oh, how we envy their carefree ways,
Their zest for life, that never decays,
Joyful juncos, a reminder to us all,
To find happiness, in the simplest of thralls.
© Simrans