

Years of mischievous life
The crackhead friends
and lots of mischievous tricks
bursting crackers, fake calls to teachers
ringing firealarm & opening pumps
were only our innocent jokes
serious ones were when we
drew all animes resembling the head
series of works and printed paper
hacking the central speech
infront of everyone
making poems and reading them aloud
everyone laughted hearing the broadcast
stealing the false hair and spread glue
Oh My how he looked
did I mention
how we added chilly powder in his tea
which he brought
sneaky looks at each other
the class bursted with laughter
when he cried
and tried to drink lots of water
cola and pepsi for the party
midnight snacks are like rituals
lots of fun and heartfelt laughter
was how we all spent the years
university turned upside down
even with so many blacklist records
professor couldn't say anything 'coz
we were always at the top
now comes the end to bid goodbye
all those anger melted soon
hugs and laughs
professors confessed
they minded no more
with no burden and a happy heart
we left the premises to find the flow
