

I Prayed For You
Look how big and strong you are.
Seems like yesterday I was holding you in my arms.
You have such a kind spirit, and a beautiful soul.
Watching you smile and laugh makes my day,
It melts my heart in so many ways.
Watching you grow into an amazing young man,
I’m so proud of you.
I want you to know that I will always be there for you.
Every time I see your face,
I still see my baby.
Who I rocked to sleep,
I sang to you every night.
Embraced you in my arms so tight.
You will always be my baby.
Even when you are grown.
I will always be proud of you my son.
Remember how strong you are,
and never forget who you are.
You are my dream come true my love,
I Prayed for you
© RoseJenkins