

Summer 2023
In denial, I spent the summer days
pasting on a smile, pretending I was okay
But deep inside, I was drowning in a haze
Ignoring the signs, pushing the pain away
I told myself it was just a phase
that I could handle it, that I was strong
but as the days grew colder and shorter
my facade began to crumble, I couldn’t hold on
Winter arrived, and with it, the truth
I couldn’t deny it any longer, couldn’t hide
the emptiness, the darkness, the despair
I broke down, unable to keep up the guise
Through the tears and the sorrow, I finally faced
the reality of my depression, the weight of my soul
I sought help, I reached out, I allowed myself to feel
and slowly, with time, I began to heal
So if you’re struggling, if you’re in pain
don’t deny it, don’t push it away
it’s okay to not be okay, to seek help,
to break down in winter, and come out stronger each day.
© SMCF 2024