

when we were kids
when we were kids
we thought 60 watts would keep the monters away
we thought Mom and Dad would scare them away

when we were kids
they were our heroes.
Mom and Dad would fight the daytime monsters
how did we know?

because they'd come home tired

as the sun rose and slept
the days passed
turning years

my mind now hears.

we had to grow up fast.

Mom and Dad aren't here anymore
the demons
They got to them.

gave them poison
replaced them.

we go to school
putting on the mask.

we sit in class
smiling and laughing with

look at me
guess I'm the pretender.

when the bell releases us
we feel...

we don't won't to go
not yet.

walk home
drive home
take a ride

all the same.

heart beating
head down
gritted teath
hitched breath

we get there

"I don't want to open that door."

not this one.

sun lowers
waking the other ones...

the other ones.

we hide in our rooms
the sanctuaries.

we lay there
under the covers
trying to rest

but the mind doesn't.
we know what comes soon

to soon.

wake up to screaming and yelling.

too soon.

we push deeper into the matress
the silent tears
invisible stain
all the pain

too soon.

night passes
another night.
head to our get away
hangout at school
pretending once more
another day

this one's different.

why did they come?
why did they come to me?

they take us out from class
they bring us in the light
exposing us.
cornering us.

"No." we say
"I am fine."

they ask about home
how we are doing

just another pretender
so we play the role

too many questions.

we head home
one more night...

this one's different too
can't take it anymore.

when we were kids
we tied our toys with rope
we break them free
we are the heroes! we shout in joy

now, we step on that chair, our last step to freedom
we hold that rope thinking
"this will set me free"

as we put on that rough necklace
we smile sadly as we think of Mom and Dad

but that was
when we were kids.

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