

The status of her Queendom
The status of her Queendom

Did you know?
Oh but of course you knew!
Oh forgive my manners
You may not know
The status of the woman you carefully approach
She is no slut
She is no whore
She is nobody's quick lay
She is a Queen!
We thought you knew
We thought someone informed you
We thought you knew by the glow of her skin
By the sway of her hips
By the straightened length of her back
Or the way her carriage portrays
She is a Queen
No child she doesn't need a man
She doesn't have to have one to rule
"Why you ask?"
Her speech is eloquently delivered
Her heart is full of compassion
Her laughter can change the atmosphere
Her eyes are full of LOVE
And don't get me started on her hands.
Oh you want to know
Her hands are fully majestic
You know she can create beauty from what she touches
She can wave her hands and peace will resolve an angered room
With one flick of her hand and off with your head
One touch and you know someone cares
Oh and you still didn't know she is a Queen
Look at the twinkle of her eyes
The curve of her smile
The grace of her walk
Oh look at the smooth complexion of her skin
And know that she is a Queen
No King required.
© Sista Alia