

A Trashy Storyline Of Her Life
10000 times again,
She wanted to run away.
She wanted to leave everything behind.
It was so dark that it became her only dream.
It felt sweet when she started the story.
As the storyline progressed,
It began to taste bitter and bitter
And then at last it became her very strong poison.
There only the blessed rivers of tears was keeping her alive.

To fulfill her dream,
At night she thought about
Running and walking Miles after miles,
Crossing countries,
Hiding in every cheap places,
Where no can find her,
Continuing a new built life from the lowest layer,
This was yet a fancy dream of hers.
But that never came true.

She was forced to take Every bit of the poison,
Still she hardly fainted.
Magical was it?
Her digestive system gradually evolved into very strong.
So much that the poison became her very cold medicine.

Now written in stars,
No poison can kill her.
And the previous part of her story which should be thrown into the trash can,
Became just a short trashy trailer.

© Ankana Dey