

often times
“Often Times” by Fae Quinn
We aren’t violent, yet they are.
They’re ruining us…
They’re pushing us to be violent, yet I feel we must show them something greater.
Something… something; and this could be me losing my mind because often times that’s how it is when we lose loved ones before our eyes.
And of course, I’m scared we’re all gonna comply if we fall in line because somehow, they’ll tell us that it’s alright, so we’ll oblige.
And I know I’m speaking in rhymes… but that’s okay too.
Or maybe I’m projecting… because when push comes to shove, I bend until I bleed, then I start to speak, because often times it’s hard for me.
But I don’t want us to be complicit in this society, I never wanted that… that’s what they need. Let’s not feed their hungry minds, they hunger to leave us behind, they hunger, desire for us to be left in the rubble—
They set fire to our bodies and set our souls alight with the light of something I cannot put into words, but it’s a powder keg of insurmountable irreverence—evident evidence that we are a forgotten people.
Because when it comes to the white man in power, we are on our own stolen lands that we each saw destroyed. We lost our lives to stand on this land. They cut us down for us to be on this land. I bet they feel happy that they’re on this land.
© Fae 💕