

some nights
In the midnight hour I catch myself lost

in space,looking for my lost shooting

star shooting across a different

galaxy,not of this world baby you where

one of a kind with one of the gentle

touch and positive minds,nothing but

pillow hugging nights and some

swinging at the cool night screaming

with silent screams since the day you

left me. Will we ever be

together again because it only felt like

seconds, it's like life served me a shit

storm and gave me seconds, Some

nights when I'm praying to the sky I feel

you near by and it's hard not to cry I

ain't even gonna lie I miss everything

about you from the big heart and love

you had to the smallest of things some

take for granted ,my fallen angle in the

sky will you please whisper sweet

nothings in my ear one more

time,rushing to sleep so I can catch a

glimpse of my love one more time, two

kisses to the sky as I prepare for a battle

down memory lane
© droneking