

Summer Sun
Rain will fall some time today
Forecast by those in the know
It amazes me, their accuracy
Although one famous cast went wrong
Forecast a mild summers day
When hell on earth broke free
A storm caused so much devastation
The forecaster, was never too live it down
Yet how I wish
They'd repeat my favourite forecast
"Summer sunshine, all day long
With a lovely gentle breeze
Weather to be with you all day long",
Instead, winter has arrived
Yet memories of summer
Slowly fade away, forgotten
Day by day
As the cold heart of winter
Grabs at every bone and sinew
Jack Frost, he too plays a part
In winter's hold
Chilling, biting any part of you
Not covered with clothes coats, gloves & hat
The only option left to him
Is to nibble at your cheeks, lips, & nose
I miss the bright sultry sunshine
The lovely glow of summer's warmth
The cold, it's fresh, cold, invigorating
If you're a snowman in the Arctic, I'm not
I'm a woman who loves summer sunshine
Summer's warmth invigorates my soul...

© PoetReBlossoms