

If Reincarnation is Real
If reincarnation is real,
I think I'd want to be a tiny shrimp
Living at the bottom of the ocean
Watching the colors float by
From the comfort of my sea sponge Castle

If reincarnation is real,
I'd like to be a shorebird
Living on lighthouse cliffs
Eating the freshest Seafood
Falling asleep every night to the sound of the waves

If reincarnation is real,
I'd try my hand at being a raccoon
Coexisting with humans and doing as I please
Making my bed in the prettiest of trees
Trying your grandmother's leftovers

If reincarnation is real,
I give it a go at being a gecko
My scales blending in with the island greens
Drinking out of leaf pools
Nibbling on fruits and bees

If reincarnation is real
I want to experience life
In Every Form

© ZombiPanther

#philosophy #Reincarnation #lifelesson