

The Mighty Beautiful Phoniex
She rises from the ashes,
Donning infinite avatars,
Sending the vile searching for cover,
And begging for mercy..
She was at her weakness part of her life.. shattered and torn down by all the mighty massive battles she had to endure within her life.
She wasn't a Wonder Woman.. oh no! She was stronger then Wonder Woman for Wonder Woman would crumble within mere seconds if she had to face all the dark demons this mighty goddess had gone threw.
She places her worn dull sword balde deep into the dark moist soil as she stands up as tall as her 5ft 1/2 body allowed her.. looking down at each side with a slight smirk watching as slowly and gracefully a fire wing appeared and grew into a strong beautiful fire.. shimmering in the colors of red and orange a smidge of yellow.
The mighty woman screamed and yelled and sang her battle cry as she picked her sword up out of the ground.. saying as loud and proud as she could
'I am a warrior and until I draw my last breathe I will continue this fight... for I am a Phoniex Bird!"
© Bonnie86