

Monologue of a pair of shoes
This is the story of my life,

My name is leather or rubber,

I have many shapes and types,

I also have many brands and colours,

All the people in the world love me,

Old or young,

Children or adult,

Boy or girl,

All interest in me,

Even they have me,

They fall in love with me,

When they first sight on me,

All shelves spaces in their house,

Full until no more empty spaces.

They bought me at a price,

Cheap or expensive,

With have or not have discount,

Humans love me always,

Everyday where are their going,

In or out doors,

Someone adores me,

Even being craziness to have me,

Because I became a human dream,

I'm really popular,

with teenage girls,

My name is Crystal,

Quite beautiful and charming,

Elegant when wearing my body

so I'm famous in

the story of Cinderalella.

When they bought me,

They sometime taken care of me,

And may be all the time,

Unfortunately my body hurts,

And I'm also a moan,

Because humans step on me,

Every time they use me.

Black mud smeared on my face,

Even I feel disgusted,

when feces and urines sticks on my body,

They throw me and put me aside,

They taken me for a run,

So that human not felt feet ache,

They taken me too for a walk,

So that my body was thirsty and smelly.

When my body is lifeless,

Looks worn,

Faded and damaged,

I was thrown overboard,

Until I stink to death,

on their shelves of their house,

Because humans only knows

use me,

But did not bathe me even once.

I realize who I am,

I have done a lot for people,

Warm and clean,

Beauty feet,

keep their feet safe,

From unsafe things

while their run or walk,

That's my priority all the time.

But the mistake

humans do not care about me,

When I die,

When I worn,

When I faded,

When I damaged,

Smelly and moldy,

My history is over

on the fire as a victims,

To recycle,

Or to renew me in another versions,

That is my history of life."

Said a pair of shoes

to his family members.


That is monologue of a pair of shoes.
© Precious Hope