

Butterfly Spirits
Write a poem on how you became soulmates and how no obstacle will be able to keep you apart.

Squeeze my heart you butterfly fluttering
around the world.

Wind sway around you my mind and
heart beat electrify heightend hearing
the surge and pulses your flaps
away to away and to...

Two souls wrapped up in free spirited
ways to and from away... we sway.

I say, "This will end, yes this will end!".
I insist to be valued as I try to value you...
But a Rose is a Rose and a Jack is a Jack.

Wheather... Sunshine or clouds...
Whether it be... It is...
The universe or energies...
Angels or ancestors...
The heavens at work...
No matter what I say, it envelopes
my heart, my mind, my time... me.

Not meaning to, but looking
and searching for the cute butterfly
I met when as a butterfly time ago...
in a dark forest.
you are my forever friend...
when you're not nice...
and I'm serious about floating
you're still a friend through the
we dish out.

What a dinner with a butterfly...
My treat. Your treat. Whatever it is.
We can't help but share all the light and dark ripples of everything in each of us...
between us...

Mixing through the wind.

What's for dessert?

© LilohaIsMsH