

"To, sow love, Is to Reap Pain."
To, sow love, is to reap pain.

To, germinate love, is to harvest the underneath growing strain....

No, matter, how deep it is ........

But, it has it own scartch .........

leaving its footprints beyond the unsaid curst of un-described, words, full of feelings, which need healing......

A warmth of affectionat hands, along, with a pinch of caring heart, with a melting compassionate support, makes you, stand firm like a pillar ......

for, the expectations being always boundless, you just sow ,sow and sow the flowery stem of your fondness, so to get the best at your path endless, endless and endless .....

Like, this ........

Somewhere or the other, you are just sowing love, today, without being knowing, that you will reap pain for a futuristic lain of your proclavity's (Love) life .......

that why, it is well said ......

To, sow love, is to reap pain in the wave of unsaid lain ....

To, sow love, is to reap pain.....

© Dev1996bu