

Her Obsession for him>>🦋

**Her Obsession for Him**

In the bustling city of New York, amidst the towering skyscrapers and ceaseless motion, lived a woman named Eliza. At thirty-two, Eliza had a thriving career in marketing and a seemingly perfect life. Yet, beneath her polished exterior lay an unrelenting obsession that had consumed her for the past two years.

It all started when Eliza met Michael at a friend's wedding. He was the groom's best man, and she, the maid of honor. Their paths crossed during the rehearsal dinner, and from the moment she laid eyes on him, Eliza was captivated. Michael was charming, intelligent, and strikingly handsome, with an air of confidence that drew everyone in. For Eliza, it was love at first sight.

That night, as the celebration went on, Eliza found herself constantly glancing at Michael, her heart racing whenever their eyes met. They shared a few words, exchanged pleasantries, but nothing more. To Michael, Eliza was just another guest, but to her, he had become the center of her world.

After the wedding, Eliza couldn't get Michael out of her mind. She began to follow him on social media, learning everything she could about his life. She discovered that he was a successful architect, lived in a chic apartment downtown, and enjoyed running in Central Park every morning. Eliza's fascination with Michael grew into an obsession.

She adjusted her routine to coincide with his, hoping for chance encounters. She started jogging in Central Park, timing her runs to when Michael usually did. At first, she would catch glimpses of him from a distance, but soon, she mustered the courage to introduce herself.

"Hey, Michael, right?" she said one morning, her voice trembling slightly. "We met at Tom and Sarah's wedding."

Michael, caught off guard, looked at her and smiled politely. "Oh, yes! Eliza, right? Nice to see you again."

From that moment, Eliza found ways to insert herself into Michael's life. She learned his favorite coffee shop and would "accidentally" bump into him there. She even signed up for a design course he mentioned in a casual conversation. Their interactions were always brief and friendly, but to Eliza, each encounter was a precious moment.

Eliza's friends began to notice her preoccupation with Michael. "You need to let this go," her best friend, Jenna, advised. "He's just a guy. You’re amazing, and you deserve someone who notices you."

But Eliza couldn't let go. Her feelings for Michael were all-consuming, and she believed they were destined to be together. She began to imagine a future where Michael would see her for who she truly was and fall in love with her.

One day, Eliza decided to take a bold step. She invited Michael to an art exhibition, claiming she had an extra ticket. To her surprise, he agreed. Eliza spent hours preparing for their evening together, choosing the perfect outfit and rehearsing conversation topics.

The night of the exhibition, Eliza was a bundle of nerves. Michael arrived, looking effortlessly handsome. They wandered through the gallery, discussing the artwork. Eliza felt an electric connection, convinced that Michael was beginning to see her differently.

As the night drew to a close, they stood outside the gallery, the city lights twinkling around them. Eliza took a deep breath and said, "Michael, I've really enjoyed tonight. I feel like we have a connection."

Michael smiled kindly but shook his head. "Eliza, you're a wonderful person, but I don't see you that way. I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression."

Eliza's heart shattered. She managed a weak smile, thanked him for coming, and walked away, tears streaming down her face. For days, she was inconsolable, her friends trying to comfort her.

Determined to move on, Eliza threw herself into her work and tried to forget Michael. But the void he left was deep. Her obsession had taken root so firmly that letting go seemed impossible.

Months passed, and Eliza's life slowly returned to normal. She still thought of Michael, but the intensity of her feelings had dulled. One evening, while out with friends, she met a man named Daniel. He was kind, funny, and genuinely interested in her. For the first time in a long while, Eliza felt a spark that wasn't linked to Michael.

As Eliza and Daniel's relationship blossomed, she realized how unhealthy her obsession with Michael had been. She had been so fixated on an idealized version of him that she overlooked the potential for real happiness with someone who truly valued her.

One day, as she walked through Central Park with Daniel, Eliza spotted Michael in the distance. He was jogging, just as he always did. For a moment, their eyes met. Eliza smiled and waved, feeling a sense of closure. Michael waved back, a brief look of recognition crossing his face before he continued on his run.

Eliza turned to Daniel and squeezed his hand, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. Her obsession for Michael had been a chapter in her life, but it was one she was ready to close. She realized that true love wasn't about chasing after an illusion but about finding someone who loved her for who she was.

As the sun set over the city, Eliza felt a renewed sense of hope and possibility. Her heart was finally free, and she was ready to embrace the future with Daniel by her side.