

Not enough real to many fake,
not enough love to much hate ,
what do we do get drunk use drugs like we got something to celebrate,
cuz everyday is someone's birthday and everyday someone lays in a grave,
it's messed up how people play God by planting their seed and creating life but can also take away,
People so cold blooded they would end a life with a bullet or a blade,
and not even know there victims name and after have no shame,
its insane the way we choose to play the game,
Say we care about someone but really were the fluid to the flame,
or the water that engulfs their lungs with every breath they take as they drown in this lake.
Giving people false hope is worse then it sounds,
raising someone's spirit just to shoot it down.
It's evil in a sense at least that's how I feel.
Murdering dreams with the knife we wield.
So be careful with your words cuz not everyone knows your intentions.
Cuz what you think is right someone can misconstrue as deception.