

Wisdom Whispers

Over the years,
There are many we have faced.

The wisest termed King Solomon,
And the others who follow on.

Their words are mighty and true,
They correct the intelligent and fool.

However I am not here to recount known history,
That is no longer a mystery.

I am here to urge you to look around you,
Do not forget to also look within you.

There is that voice that speaks,
Softly like ballet dancers moving their feet.

That voice is so quiet,
But of course, the quiet entails experience.

That voice is your difference,
That will make men give you reverence.

That voice is a neutral gender,
And it bears the name wisdom.

That voice was inhabited by great men and women,
And has the power to make you a kingdom.

That voice is what you search for when you read books,
It is what you ask for when tribulation knocks.

Decisions that need to be made,
Wisdom gives you the page.

We are all unique and because we have wisdom,
We are all kings and queens.

However, never forget,
As much as you need this important guest,
Wisdom is that little tick,
That makes you pass the test.

Wisdom whispers,
And moves on,
Leaving you to decipher,
And make the right turn.

© Ifeamareme Uchechi Favour

#WisdomWhispers #poem #silentvoice #silence #voice #choice