

Fathomless Depths
Dark is the night,
Darker the soul,
Fathomless depths,
Stories untold...
Float in the air cold
Unread books and letters
Still kept open
Unheard schemes,controversial
Sunken deep
Uneyed falls still fall
Somewhere there's depth
Buds cannot be seen
If bees are not around
The world cannot evolve
If people take up arms
Everything is something of joy
The land be waste and dry
If we ignore the surroundings
A person would leave the platform
If his dues are not received
Man is a hungry animal
Still wonder among the unknown

He needs to answer
Why his heart is not genuine
Why,just why we can't say it
Because we are not benign.

The comfort of the wind
Is immense ,yet no complaints
All get it and no restraints
The joy of the flowers or green
Are a delight ,which they do not strive to withhold
Flowing rivers and rills ,many tours around
Yet, no sound
But man makes the.biggest sound
The harshest syllable, impossbke yet to bear

Humming birds and the bees
Are great in building a world
Yet small and calm
Sweet birds,melodious is their voice
Over the yard and the vale
Down the mountain , it tossed and played sweet music
What large designs all over the ceiling
More webs if it goes astray
Many learnings
Many lessons nature provides us
So can we go astray?
Or ignore the invention
Or pretend the convention
Badly intervention
To wipe them all?
The future generation?