

12am not 1am
So I'm bored
With flakes and water
Laptop just died
And I'm back to doing nothing

Then i thought
Why don't i write about my boring love life
This was inspired by "Purple heart"
The movie i was just into

What is love?
Boring question
Why don't you have a love life?
You are going to make me too emotional right now

My Mr right is yet to come
Wonder what my guy is doing
That's weird of me
But anyways

Every romantic movie I've seen
I put down everything i want to see
That's dreaming too big
But I'll take the risk

"Love is risky anyways"
Wonder if anyone has dropped this quote
If not you can go around quoting me

Leave me to smile and wish and dream
That's all we do as humans

My flakes are finished
Water almost gone
Soon be going to bed

Wish i could tell him good night
But I'm going to say it in my mind to my imagination
Very soon it'll be all reality right???
That's 7 year old me asking my 17year old present.

© khayc33