

I am....
From the root I am woman
A lioness you might say
Oh you know her the hunter of the prey
You may sometimes hear me roar
Fearing my prowess you often run
Never knowing I can be your strength
Oh you foolish man
Supposed king of the jungle
As I hunt I often have to remind myself of the power I hold inside
And yet .....
Nobody sees my pain as I hold myself tight
Sees my tears that I quickly wipe from my eyes
Nobody hears the groans that come from turmoil
Nor hears the sighs of a hard day
It is only when the supply is low that you know my name
When the food is few that you notice I have significant impacted the circle of our life
The balance of life or death
Oh you mighty protector
Show forth more than your great mane
Know to who you have to depend on for as your lioness I am your root

© Sista Alia