

Dear God give me one chance!
I was an asthenic,
I am a skeptic

God exists!where?,
If exist then why he didn't listen my prayers?

I am kind and loyal to all,
Then why I am getting hatred from all?

I am doing my job,
My eyes are filled with dreams
I never bother their job,
Then why I am struggling with pains

I used to say God is with me,
You proved me wrong always

Where is your supreme power?,
People call you the supreme personality of Godhead
Until when I would suffer?,
Dear god, I am dead

I am in the process to be an atheist,
My mother asked to pray but I don't

Years are passing,
But the bad days are not going

Self doubts arise,
There is no one to suppress
Dear god give me one chance to rise,
Only one chance to prove them that I am not a mess!

© saipriya panda