

I'm a piece of paper
I'm a piece of paper,
With me,
Humans are so greedy,
With me,
Man becomes Satan;
I'm just a piece of paper,
With me,
Humans can succeed
With me,
Humans can go vacation ,
With me,
Humans can do
Whatever he wants;
I'm a piece of paper,
The little one,
The big one,
Same size,
The difference in value,
I was taken away;
I might be cloned,
But I look different,
Many people are crazy,
Because they are my servants,
And they love me,
Without me,
Man cannot live;
Time of birth,
They use me,
Time to die,
They need me too,
Even in the deep Pacific Ocean,
They can swim,
Across the shark's fangs,
The height of Mount Everest to climb,
They are able to cross,
Going through a blizzard,
For my sake a piece of paper;
If I am thrown into the fire,
Indeed I was scorched,
If I'm hit in water,
Indeed I am wet,
If I'm buried even once,
Indeed I rot,
Because I’m a piece of paper;
When anger comes,
The world will be destroyed,
Being flying debris,
Because humans sow me,
Where they like it;
My face is shattered,
When many hands change
Holding my body,
Yet I can be born again,
With a new face,
A fragrant body,
Humans like to rub my body,
And they fell in love with me,
I care what,
Because I'm just a piece of paper,
A money.
© Precious Hope