

There is fire in my soul
I need to hold to be in whole
But as the wind touches my flesh
And the sun burns my skin
As my wounds are becoming fresh
But I need to be hard as stone
Beacuse I know God is with me

Thing appear and disappear ...
In a mysterious manner
Not even the greatest philosopher
Can give a reason or an answer
We try to give meaning but it's not enough
we extend the reason but also not enough
Can you see someone greater than humans

Example is better of in a gold chain
We rear animal, we provide
What was provide to us in chain
Same way we are reared ,we are provided
Someone who we don't know provided
But is all upto you to find
You call your self big name then provide

All these we such is less
Mind are crushed in books
We follow like fools
Just open your eyes and view

.....By John Nderitu

© John