

I am always on waiting,
waiting that may be one day
you will come,
sometimes I look at myself
and wonder,
wondering on the way we connected,
we started with Facebook "hi"
and ended up with "a lie"
I thought that with "Hi"
I will see ourselves in presence
forgetting about the absence
sometimes I get lonely with my pillows,
yearning and waiting for your call.......
atleast oncec aday!
forgetting that things will never matter to you.

I look on my bed to night,
with my eyes up, atleast to see astar.......
pick it and make a wish,.
so I try to sleep, but all i dream is you,
you have made me feel hurt
so many times,
but I never get mad
instead I sit on my bed ,
start crying with my pillows,
should I call this stupidity?
or being madly in love?
even though we will never meet,
still I love you deeply,
I will admit , I don't understand why I can't let you go,
and I know I can't tell your feelings for me,
but deep inside my heart ,
I smile
coz I know true love can't hide.

Was it intensionally to keep me hanging for so long
I wish you never reached so deep.......
coz it hurts, that I can't go over it,
coz of you, I am left with dreams,
that may be.....
one day I will meet you,
how I wish I said goodbye before it went too far........
I'm tired of dreaming,
the dreams which will never come true
may be I should try teaching my heart
how to let things go........

Written by:


© Pheonahnassazi@gmail. com