

The Sorrow Of Spring
Poem: The Sorrow of Spring

O Spring! You used to come on time,
The whole environment would be fragrant.
Flowers would bloom, buds would smile,
The youth of the forest, the courtyard of the temple, would all be filled with fragrance,
Every particle of the earth.

The doors of the house, the threshold of the door,
The nature of the threshold, the creation of nature,
Everything would shine when you arrived,
Every soul's heart would sway.

Butterflies would flutter,
Birds would chirp,
Fireflies would glow,
Bees would hum,
O Spring! You used to come on time,
The whole nature would be fragrant.

O child! You used to have empathy,
Knowledge, respect for the forest, water, and mountains,
Even as a night-wanderer, you were still human.

Think, you are the one responsible,
For my betrayal, you are the one to blame.
You are the one who plundered the forest and gardens; the river,
minerals, and the bones of living beings.
The mind of the artist is tormented, the body and mind are exhausted;
Tears in the eyes, pollution in the breath, suffocating air,
The environment is imprisoned, how much I have endured, how much I have changed the environment.
I am Spring and I still come,
Reviving the earth with new life.
O child! You used to have empathy,
Knowledge, respect for the forest, water, and mountains.

Ankit Pandey
PGT English
© @Ankit

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