

death is starting to look so sweet,
no more noise,
no more pain,
no more bullshit from you driving me insane.
Im never good enough for you,
not the proper anything when it come to you.
Lies fall out of your mouth, like drops of rain, but turns to snow,
how icy cold you heart must be to put someone through you hurricanes.
My mind plays tricks, bullets, a slit to the vain? Tic- tok goes the clock, as i watch my life turn yet again into you open range.
but you so sweet so humble so nice in front of everyone else, trying to make me look like the one who belongs in mental house.
tears cannot fall for my angry wont allow, im so blowin away by this im fuckd up and confused.
so i do it i gather up my balls, cocking the trigger back,
to my knees i fall
to end it all and stop you game.
i finally have won.
its over im free
so sweet is death
i close my eyes forever
good bye
© unlaced