

Stars are calling
The stars are calling me home,
I wonder if I should go.
But, I'm just trying to roam,
On the ground full of snow.

The stars are calling my name,
I wonder if I should answer.
But, I'm tired of playing games,
With not so friendly strangers.

The stars are shining too bright,
I wonder if they want to guide me home.
But, I don't want to do that right,
Scared of home, scared of the unknown.

The stars are trying to catch me,
I wonder if I can run anymore.
But, my heart feels too heavy,
Too hard to carry anymore.

The stars are calling me,
I wonder if you can hear them too.
But, you are simply a memory,
Even though the stars know that I love you.

© thenotebook_01

#writco #writcoapp #writer #Writing #poem #stars #Love&love #relationships #memories #fee