

What goes on after death isn't something I think about often.

Or the dreams in my head after laying so long in a coffin.

When my flesh fades away and my marrows begin to soften.

Maybe it's on my brain because it's the one and only constant.

And I'm constantly afraid...

Heaven isn't something one consideres when choosing their opinions.

And if heavens the goal then this life that I lead is just nonsense.

But the concept of hell is so grueling it's real hard to process.

Every second of hell is an action presenting its causes.

And you're constantly aflame...

Every minute I spend in this bed I'm just losing my conscience.

And nothing in my brain wants to say that we may want to stop this.

And the worry of death is becoming more and more obnoxious.

And the spinning of life in a circle is making me nauseous.

And I'm constantly in pain...

© inconsystent