

Covid 19
Powerful over the powerless.
Destruction. Disruption.
Lost of loved ones.....lost to death. Sadness. Scared. Terrified. Petrified.....& wondering what's next.
....But i could've sworn i mustve seen this on TV a thousand times. Never thought I'd be playing out the scenes like its actually ME who's on TV.....
Containment. Quarantined. Where does it all end?....& where, exactly did it all began?
Man-made. Experiment. New World Order. Computer chipped humans with masks to proceed? Confused. Lost.
So is this what it all comes to?
Trump trumps all of that.
Carelessness. Unempathetic. Narcissistic. Devil. Demon.
Hell.....here on Earth. May God help us all!
© Kemnae