


In some way
I was half
But you came
Walking smart
Like a blitz
It happened, but how?

'I like you'

I don't know when
As light
Creeps in the cracks
Of dark
You swept in
The walls of my heart

Just in a mere while
You were all
I could keep in mind
Fell for you
So hard
It makes me wonder

'How so fast?'

You came so close
No doubt
As a fitting glove
Paste on me
As a warm coat
Together we were
A perfect click

'I am in love'

I think
Only in your
Thoughts and words
So lost
Deep within my desire
Builts a flicker
Of fire
Melts my stone
Cold core
Go haywire

'I love you'

My ship docks
On your tempting sight
Eyes sparkles
In delight
Body bents
On its own
To have a touch
And a moan

'I want you'

One kiss
Raises a fever
So high
Greets bliss
Growing so wild

'I feel you'

Reaching the sky
Now joined as one
As peak of pulsating beat
Leads finally
To the desired dive

Worn out,
And inhale dark
Together cease
In glee so enchant
Drift intense
To a glowing spark

'I found you'

My other half



© nehamm10