

Please love me
Help me, the regret I feel is taking over me
the anxiety
it’s all so bad that I don’t know what to do with it
I don’t know how to take it away
and I feel alone
I’m alone
I have god
and my family
and some friends
but who do I text?
who do I talk to about my day, the little details throughout it?
who will hangout with me when lily is busy and the rest of my friends are away?
who will love me not family love
not just friend love
but love love
is it all the same? love is love
but what’s there to love about me?
I want to be loved because I don’t love myself
and if I don’t then who will?
because I don’t, I look for someone to make me feel loved
so that, at least something
is choosing to love me
so that there’s someone to love me
-Ava Stevens